
Click HERE for the latest edition of our Mayan Newsletter


Magic Center Begins on Monday, August 7th


Hello Mayan Families!

If you would like your student(s) to participate in our Before and After School Program, Club MAYA, please click on the link below to fill out the interest form. Once you have filled out the form, our staff will work to send you the application via email. The application will come from a company named “City Span”. You must complete the City Span application for your student to be enrolled in the program. 


 Program expectations: All students are encouraged to stay the whole program time M-F. Priority will be given to these students for enrollment. Early release may be granted case-by-case. In order to have an early release (4:45 pm M-Th and 3:45 pm Fridays), you must fill out an additional form in person. Each student is required to attend the program for 9 hours per week. If a student does not meet the attendance requirements, they may be asked to leave the program so we can offer the spot to a student in need.

Program Hours:

Before School- 6:45 am – 8:15 am

After School: M-Th 3:10 pm- 6:10 pm and Fridays 1:05 pm- 6:00 pm