


One of the most significant factors affecting school success is regular attendance. Students must be in class on time and prepared to learn (homework completed, necessary books and supplies ready). Pursuant to California Education Code, it is the duty of each parent, guardian or person having control or custody of a minor, to compel and guarantee regular and prompt attendance to class. When a student is absent, the PARENT or GUARDIAN must contact the school and verify the reason for and the dates of the absence within 10 days (Sweetwater Union High School District Board Policy 5112).

Students may occasionally need to be absent for illness, emergencies, etc. In such cases, they must make up a work missed. Students have the responsibility to arrange make-up work with their teachers. Students must have a medical note for non-participation in P.E.

Attendance Policy

Students who miss class must have a parent/guardian call the school or provide a note to excuse the absence within ten (10) school days of the absence. If it is not excused within the ten days, students must attend Attendance Recovery/Saturday School to clear the absence (SUHSD Board Policy 5112). Students who miss more than one day in a month are subject to placement on an attendance contract.

Note: Excusing a student’s absence does not mean the absence is erased from the student’s file.

An unexcused absence/truancy is when a student is deliberately absent from school and/or class without the knowledge or consent of their parents or the school.

Student absences relating to participation in approved school activities (Knowledge Bowl, Band or Mariachi concerts, etc.) are considered school excused. Student absences may be monitored by parents.

Contact the Attendance Office at 662-8200.
The automated attendance calling system will call home after each unexcused absence.

Tardy Policy

Punctuality is an important life skill and tardiness is extremely disruptive in the educational process. A student is considered tardy if he/she is not in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. Excused tardies are issued if a student returns from a medical or dental appointment during a period. Students are responsible to make up all missed work for that period.

Students who are continually tardy will be referred to their administrator. Students may be assigned detention at lunch and/or break, and after school for tardiness. Ultimately, excessive tardies may result in detention, in-house suspension, and/or Attendance Recovery.

Truancies/Unexcused Absences

  • 1 day
    • Consequence: Attendance Recovery (Saturday)
    • Responsible:  Assistant Principal/Attendance Clerk
  • 3 days
    • Consequence: Parent-Student Contract (Pre-SARB)
    • Responsible: Administration
  • 6 days
    • Consequence: Referred to SARB Committee and Attendance Recovery (Saturdays) Inter-district transfer, revoke transfer *Student may continue to attend class if not disruptive
    • Responsible: Administration

Excused Absences

  • 5 days
    • Consequence: Excessive Excused Absences Contract (Pre-SARB) Doctor’s Note required for subsequent absences
    • Responsible: Administration
  • Absent more than 5 times without verification
    • Consequence: May be referred to SARB
    • Responsible: Administration
  • More than 15 absences
    • Consequence: Alternative Placement
    • Responsible: Administration